NHGRI Analysis Visualization and Informatics Lab-space


Working Groups

AnVIL's working groups take on the responsibility for specific portions of the project and its day-to-day operations.

Working groups are dynamic and are formulated as needed in the course of the project.

Data Access Working Group

The Data Access working group defines the methods used to securely control and grant access to restricted access datasets hosted within AnVIL, including managing automated credential handoff and developing streamlined processes for handling Data Access Requests.


  • Carolyn Hutter (NHGRI)
  • Stacey Donnelly (Broad)
  • Elena Ghanaim (NHGRI) organizer

Data Processing Working Group

The data processing working group defines the processes for data ingestion and quality control, including definition of submittal data formats, while providing oversight for pipelines that will be used to process data, including joint variant calling.


  • Eric Banks (Broad)
  • Ira Hall (WashU)
  • Candace Patterson (Broad) organizer


Phenotype Working Group

The Phenotype Working Group ensures that the datasets hosted in AnVIL are incorporated in a manner that facilitates research driven by phenotypic questions.


  • David Crosslin (EMERGE - UW)
  • Robert Carroll (VUMC)
  • Kristin Wuichet (VUMC) organizer


Portal Working Group

The portal working group organizes and publishes AnVIL's website.


  • Benedict Paten (UCSC)
  • Mike Schatz (JHU)
  • Tim Harris (UCSC) organizer

Outreach Working Group

The Outreach working group provides training and support solutions for the AnVIL project.


  • Jeff Leek (JHU)
  • Frederick Tan (Carnegie)
  • Stephen Mosher (JHU) organizer


Technical Working Group

AnVIL's technical working provides direction and recommendations to the developers of the AnVIL project.


  • Mike Schatz (JHU)
  • Brian O'Connor (Broad)
  • Stephen Mosher (JHU) organizer


Clinical Genomics Working Group


  • Chris Shay (AHA)
  • Mike Schatz (JHU)
  • Julie Sizelove (AHA) organizer
Leadership TeamOversight Committee
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