NHGRI Analysis Visualization and Informatics Lab-space


Announcing the AnVIL Cloud Credits Continued Program (AC3) Awardees

NHGRI’s Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL) cloud genomics platform is pleased to announce the awardees of the AnVIL Cloud Credits Continued (AC3) Program.


Seventeen proposals were received from nine different institutions and of these, the AC3 Review Committee (AC3RC) together with the AnVIL team have awarded 13 proposals with cloud credits. Those awardees include:

  • Melissa A. Wilson | Arizona State University | Principal Investigator, “Sex as a Biological Variable”
  • Milind Jagota | UC Berkeley | Graduate Student, “Functional insights into polymorphisms in the human proteome using AlphaFold”
  • Joohyun Kim | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Principal Investigator, “Accelerating multi-ethnic Polygenic Score Methods with Cloud”
  • Andrew Davidson | Univ. of California Santa Cruz | Graduate Student, “Comprehensive characterization of transposable element expression across human tissues using the Telomere-to-Telomere genome reference”
  • Karen Miga | UCSC | Principal Investigator, “Genomics Data Science In The Cloud: Learning to us Terra, AnVIL and Dockstore”
  • Weisi Liu | Weill Cornell Medicine | Postdoctoral Fellow, “APOBEC3 induces microhomology-mediated deletions in human genomes”
  • Junseok Park | Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School | Postdoctoral Fellow, “GenomeFlow”
  • Michael Lee | Blue Marble Space Institute of Science | Principal Investigator, “Training Track: Seeking evolutionary conservation in prion proteins”
  • Rachel Soemedi | Brigham and Women's Hospital | Principal Investigator, “Assessing the functionality of sex-biased variants in GTEx tissues”
  • Jack Goodman | Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University | Graduate Student, “Discovery of pan-cancer metabolic network regulators for selection of therapeutic targets”
  • Didac Santesmasses Ruiz | Brigham and Women's Hospital | Postdoctoral Fellow, “Genetic analysis on the relationship between selenium exposure and disease”
  • Tamar Sofer | Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School | Principal Investigator, “Unbiased molecular and functional identification of uncharacterized metabolites” and “Mitochondrial DNA and cognitive decline associated with aging in Hispanics/Latinos”
  • Maximilian Haeussler | UC Santa Cruz | Principal Investigator, “Chromosome Coverage and Splice site extraction from all Gtex BAM files”

Review Committee

The AnVIL Team would like to thank our AC3 Review Committee (AC3RC), which is composed of 5 members:

  • Abhinav Nellore | Oregon Health & Science University
  • Alisa Manning | Broad Institute
  • Anahita Kojandi | University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • Rajiv McCoy | Johns Hopkins University
  • Jack DiGiovanna | Seven Bridges

The AnVIL Team would also like to thank all applicants for taking the time to submit their proposals.

Scheduled Downtime for AnVIL Data Housing WorkspacesAnnouncing the AnVIL Cloud Credits Continued Program (AC3)
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