NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability Effort

NCPI Resources for Cloud Cost estimation


  • Controlling cloud costs - Understand the costs of using key cloud services (Google Cloud Storage, Google Computer Engine, and Google BigQuery). Examples are provided to help you make informed decisions around controlling costs on Terra.
  • Link your Terra identity with Google Billing - The Terra platform is free to use; you can browse showcase workspaces and the Data Library as soon as you register for an account. However operations in Terra - such as running workflows, running Jupyter Notebooks, and accessing and storing data - may incur Google Cloud Platform charges. These charges are billed by GCP and paid through your Terra billing account.
  • Preparing a Cloud Cost Budget Justification - This document walks you through creating a budget justification paragraph for a grant proposal with information on Understanding GCP Fees, Estimating your Cloud Costs, and Preparing a Budget Justification.




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