NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability Effort

NCPI Training and Outreach

A collection of training materials for NCPI resources

The purpose of this document is to aggregate information about training, video, and social media from the four NCPI resources.


An extensive collection of training resources covering major AnVIL components including Terra, Gen3, Galaxy, and Dockstore. Includes information about setting up and managing accounts, accessing data, running analysis workflows and performing interactive analyses:

Training Resources

User Support

NHLBI BioData Catalyst

Documentation on data access, exploration, and analysis, as well as information about the several platforms and services it leverages to offer its tools, applications, and workflows in secure workspaces.

Training Resources

User Support


A comprehensive collection of training resources developed by Seven Bridges targeting users with different skill sets.

Training Resources

User Support

Kids First

The Kids First DRC supports the Kids First Data Resource Portal for building virtual cohorts and identifying data files. The Portal is integrated with CAVATICA, a cloud-based storage, sharing, and analysis platform developed by Seven Bridges.

Training Resources

User Support

Train Your Colleague
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